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Presidium and General Secretary

Introduction of the Presidium and General Secretary: The 13-member Council manages the work of the CPCE between the General Assemblies. The Council is led by a three-member Presidium, which in turn is headed by an Executive President. The General Secretary forms the link between the Council and the Secretariat and heads the latter.

Executive President: Rev. Dr. John Bradbury (Great Britain) John Bradbury has been General Secretary of the United Reformed Church in Great Britain since 2020. He previously taught Systematic Theology and Church History at Westminster College.



Vice-President: Prof. Dr. Miriam Rose (Germany) Miriam Rose has been Professor of Systematic Theology at Friedrich Schiller University Jena since 2011.


Vice-President: Rev. Marcin Brzóska (Poland) Marcin Brzóska has been managing pastor at the Evangelical Lutheran Jesus Church in Cieszyn since 2019. Previously, he worked in the Bishop's Office of the Lutheran Church of Poland.



General Secretary: Rev. Dr. Mario Fischer (Germany) Mario Fischer has been General Secretary of the CPCE in Vienna since 2018. He had previously been the CPCE's office manager since 2015. He is a pastor of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau.


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